Beyond the sweeping plastic straw outrage and meteoric rise of Tesla we have reached a place where there is finally AN AWARENESS (albeit mostly in the developed world) on THE IMPORTANCE of environmental impact.
With this awareness… being green now is a selling point, and not being green can bring your business some real headaches.
Multinational companies, previously largely unencumbered or even subsidised in their merry wanton destruction of natural resources are now routinely publicly shamed into not only ceasing such activities, but even being forced into adopting costly structural changes. Look no further than Greenpeace and the Rainforest Action Network (RAN) for several significant Name & Shame successes.
Looking at you:
Colgate-Palmolive, General Mills, Hershey, Kelloggβs, Kraft Heinz, LβOreal, Mars, Mondelez, NestlΓ©, PepsiCo, Reckitt Benckiser and Unilever.
But what about Tourism…?
Tourism, and in particular Hotels & Resorts have not been innocent in the sadly rich history of environmental destruction.
Over-development; tearing down of native forests; use of harmful construction materials; wasteful water practices; reckless energy consumption;Β single use plastics; food waste; animal habitat destruction and environmentally toxic chemical use….Β just to name a handful of offences…
Across the previous decade as the developed world became more aware of these issues and the average traveler consequently grew to be a bit more eco-savvy, the industry had a real and growing problem to contend with.
And their response was spectacular…
Yup.Β Problem solved.
We joke, but here we are a full 50 years on from the world’s first EARTH DAY…. and I am sure it would not shock you to learn that for many hotels and resorts around the world the ‘REUSE YOUR DIRTY TOWEL CARD’ remains their greatest contribution to environmental sustainability and perhaps their only action to date.
But in a pristine corner of a paradise island located in the Gulf of Thailand, one of the pioneers of TRUE sustainable eco tourism has been quietly going about their business of luxury 5 star accommodation, WHILE also not compromising on it’s commitment to being a true friend of the planet.
The Tongsai Bay Resort is located on the stunning island of Koh Samui. It was the very first 5 star resort in the area and from day one it has had sustainability as a core value. A family operation that opened way back in 1987, the Tongsai Bay team has only further strengthened it’s commitment to the environment over time and has rightfully been recognised by many organisations as one of the world’s best in this regard.
Their commitment is certainly unparalleled from any other resort that Bee and I have encountered and while there will always be those that are better than others in any effort, when it comes to protecting our planet.. everyone is implicated and hotels & resorts as a whole could really take some notes from The Tongsai Bay and lift their eco-game.
So to inspire some action we have identified THREE SUPER SIMPLE THINGS that all hotels and resorts could initiate to build on their REUSE YOUR DIRTY TOWEL CARDS and actually start to make a real difference.
Plastic water bottles
They are incredibly resource intensive to produce, fill and ship and consequently have a significant carbon footprint from the very start. Only a tiny percentage even get recycled after use and most end up polluting our waterways and oceans.
Tongsai Bay offers GLASS bottles in rooms, these are then recycled directly with a supplier… and to date no one has exploded from a lack of hydration. If you want to get fancy, offer a stainless steel drink bottle in each room and inform guests of a few places where they can be refilled for free. Brand them and guests can even buy them at the end of their stay to continue their sustainable journey.
Complimentary Bathroom Crap
If people don’t have their own toothbrushes travelling in this day and age then they don’t deserve to have their lack of organisation rewarded by an opportunity to pollute the planet for all of us.
Enough of the tiny plastic bags with plastic bristled, plastic handled toothbrushes…
Enough of the cotton buds individually wrapped in plastic, with their plastic stalks (that are able to heat seek endangered turtle nostrils once they reach the ocean)..
Enough of the plastic shavers wrapped in plastic….
Enough of the combs… the shower caps… stop it all….
Have ECO FRIENDLY alternatives available at your front desk or boutique for PURCHASE.
Bamboo toothbrushes, wooden combs, bamboo cotton buds, and why not a steel razor with steel blades… you get the picture..
Are they more expensive to buy for the dude that forgot his stuff? Yup… Guess what… Chances are he will remember his toiletries next time…
Will some people grumble…? Probably… but f**k those people…. We all need to stay focused on the bigger picture.
Soaps, Shampoos, Conditioners
Plastic Straws, Plastic Drink Stirrers
But Please Take note, these are .. for all intents and purposes, no better than actual plastic straws…
CAN they biodegrade.. ? Sure…. technically…. But the real question should be WILL they?
To do so they need an environment free of oxygen and 60Β°C temps for a solid 10 days.
Plastic Rubbish Bags
This is a challenging one right?
But Tongsai Bay managed to do it, proving that where there is a will there is always a way. In the rooms there are metal bins, and bamboo woven bins and if any are lined at all it is with a re-washable cotton bag. I have no doubt that occasionally there are some scary things thrown out in rooms that require a Hazmat approach, but my guess would also be that the overwhelming majority would not require such attention and can simply be tipped out into the housekeeping cart bin and reused as is.
This of course negates the need and waste of endless small plastic bags for bins in each and every room and public space.Β Maybe every now and then one of your staff will have to handle a melting ice cream cone at reception or a a paper plate filled with curry and have to work out a solution…. There will always be situations which challenge systems, but there are solutions if you foster the right mindset within your organisation and within your teams.
Do you have nearby forests or jungles? Maybe a national park on your doorstep?
What sort of trees and plants do you have on your property?
Are you on a beach? Or near a lake or waterway? Maybe you have a stream on your property?
What wildlife inhabits these natural areas? What birds frequent your hood?
Once you get an overview on these questions, then dig deeper…
For the forests and jungles: What is threatening their well being? Is there illegal logging happening? Unsanctioned developments? Maybe an invasive species damaging the eco system? Is pollution or irresponsible waste disposal killing off areas of natural habitat?
For your own trees and plants: Are they helping or hurting?Β How do they fit into the overall local ecosystem? What is their relationship with local insects and wildlife? Do your flowering plants help bee populations? Do your trees help prevent soil erosion?Β Do they provide nesting for specific birds?Β Many types of plants are experts at helping filter out air pollutants, could they be planted? What plants attract butterflies?
For the beaches & waterways: Are the rivers or streams suffering from local pollution or illegal waste disposal? Are the beaches washing up enormous amounts of ocean plastics? Is the lake being over fished? Is nutrient pollution causing algal bloom in reservoirs?
For the local wildlife: What issues are they facing for their own survival? Is their natural habitat at risk from deforestation or pollution? Are invasive predators targeting their young and causing a decline in numbers? Is illegal hunting or capture a problem? Are their natural food sources dwindling due to other issues? Do they no longer have access to clean drinking water which is causing lower fertility rates?
Then what….
Pick one issue…
Learn all you can about it through talking with local councils and environmental groups.
Find collaborators.
Take Action that takes the form of an ongoing habit…
Choose a new issue… and repeat =)
Get passionate about each issue and be AN AGENT FOR CHANGE within your community…
Check out some of Tongsai Bay’s initiatives:
Separate your waste.… Metal – Glass – Paper – Plastic – Compostable Waste – Hazardous Waste etc… But not just in public areas, do it in the rooms, in staff areas….Β Put in appropriate protocols for each type of waste, train regularly your team.. and CHECK with follow ups to make sure the protocols are being followed. Make it second nature amongst your team and help spread that mindset to your guests.

Educate your F&B and maintenance teams on composting. Put in place processes for food waste and garden waste that is compostable to be treated as such. That compost will provide nutrient rich natural fertilizer for your garden areas eliminating the need for inferior and often times damaging chemical fertilizers. Look into worm farms! Another great practice for dealing with waste in a sustainable manner that then generates some super powered natural fertilizer juice in the form of worm pee that can help the plants around your property naturally!
Do an eco-audit of your product suppliers. Is it possible to get large bulk REUSABLE containers of consumable products that are regularly ordered? Can you get your shampoos in large bulk containers and swap in and out directly with your suppliers saving them and you money?
Look at the waste that is generated from your business and conduct brainstorms with your team on how it can be reduced, reused or recycled. Track the amount of garbage your property is generating per week and chart it. What gets measured gets managed. Set goals around it for your teams to get them implicated in finding eco victories!
Educate yourself on the proper treatment of unavoidable hazardous waste.Β Do you have a licensed industrial waste disposal plant nearby? Speak with your local council or government offices if you cannot find the answer yourself.Β Take responsibility and take action.Β Examples of hazardous wastes:
Share your best practices with your neighbours, with your competitors, with the world.
Join social media groups, local community groups and help be not only an agent for good but an agent for MOMENTUM and CHANGE on an ever increasing scale. There are no borders when it comes to things like protecting the environment, we all stand to win as much as we all stand to lose if we do nothing at all.
Having visited The Tongsai Bay several times now, we can say that we love the serenity and beauty of the location, the attentive service of their friendly staff as well as the exquisite and refined dining options….Β These are all spectacular.
BUT…. what has truly cemented this resort in our heart is their COMMITMENT and unwavering PASSION to be not just sustainable with their business… but to be a POSITIVE CHANGE AGENT in making things BETTER in as many ways as they can think of.
And that is something that should inspire each and every one of us to try a little harder in our corner of this beautiful planet we inhabit.